Child mortality remains a serious public health problem


  • Luis Fernando Barbosa Tavares aMédico Pediatra com área de atuação em medicina Intensiva pediátrica - Doutor em Ciências;
  • Elvidina N. Adamson-Macedo University of Wolverhampton, Retired Prof. Emeritus formerly with School of Health [CHSCI], Wolverhampton, U.K.


Palabras clave:

risk factors, low birth weight newborn, maternal age, perinatal care


The identification of factors related to infant deaths can help in the planning of public health actions for the restructuring and improvement of maternal and child care, with a view to reducing infant mortality. The variables related to infant mortality continue to be incident in males, in those of brown color, with birth weight below normal and children of young mothers. Actions with technical and financial investment throughout prenatal care with a complete care network and strengthening childcare services for children by the Primary Care network at municipal level are necessary and urgent strategies to reduce the drama of preventable deaths of children in the first year of life.


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