Effects of the social isolation generated by Covid-19 on the quality of life of the population in two Brazilian cities


  • Francisco Naildo Cardoso Leitão bLaboratório Multidisciplinar de estudos e Escrita Científica das Ciências da Saúde—LaMEECCS, UFAC - Acre, Brazil. cPós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde do Centro Universitário Saúde do ABC (FMABC), São Paulo, Brasil;
  • Carlos Roberto Teixeira Ferreira aCentro de Ciências da Saúde e do Desporto. Campus Rio Branco. Universidade Federal do Acre (UFAC) – Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil; bLaboratório Multidisciplinar de estudos e Escrita Científica das Ciências da Saúde—LaMEECCS, UFAC - Acre, Brazil
  • Katiuscia Larsen de Abreu bLaboratório Multidisciplinar de estudos e Escrita Científica das Ciências da Saúde—LaMEECCS, UFAC - Acre, Brazil. cPós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde do Centro Universitário Saúde do ABC (FMABC), São Paulo, Brasil;
  • Maura Bianca Barbary de Deus aCentro de Ciências da Saúde e do Desporto. Campus Rio Branco. Universidade Federal do Acre (UFAC) – Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil; bLaboratório Multidisciplinar de estudos e Escrita Científica das Ciências da Saúde—LaMEECCS, UFAC - Acre, Brazil
  • Hugo Macedo Junior c Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde do Centro Universitário Saúde do ABC (FMABC), São Paulo, Brasil;
  • Mauro José de Deus Morais aCentro de Ciências da Saúde e do Desporto. Campus Rio Branco. Universidade Federal do Acre (UFAC) – Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil; bLaboratório Multidisciplinar de estudos e Escrita Científica das Ciências da Saúde—LaMEECCS, UFAC - Acre, Brazil



Palabras clave:

quality of life, COVID-19, social isolation, SARS-CoV-2


Introduction: COVID-19 is a highly transmissible virus that is causing very serious problems in the health of the world, generating major political and financial problems. There are numerous risk factors related to this disease, ranging from morbidities to social and family issues.

Objective: to evaluate the effects of the social isolation generated by Covid-19 on the quality of life in the population of two Brazilian cities.

Methods: cross-sectional study. The research was carried out in two different cities of the Brazilian confederation. One in Santo André, São Paulo and the other in Rio Branco, Acre, both in Brazil. This is a survey with an online platform, using the drive’s Google Forms tool to assess the population’s quality of life through the SF-36 protocol. The selection was carried out randomly in both groups (Acre and São Paulo), having respectively 109 and 62 participants in this first moment.

Results: regarding gender, women are in greater numbers participating in the city of Santo André, São Paulo than in Rio Branco, Acre, both in Brazil, with (80.6% and 48.6%), respectively. Likewise, in relation to the age group Santo André has an average age younger than in Rio Branco. When we compared the dimensions between the two states, performing a Mann-Whitney statistical analysis, statistical differences appeared in three dimensions, which were functional capacity, pain, and vitality, with better quality of life in these three domains for the city of Rio Branco.

Conclusion: the city of Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil, has a positive score when compared to the city of Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil, in most of the domains analyzed.


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