Prevalence and factors associated with obesity in children under five years old in Rio Branco – Acre
childhood obesity, anthropometry, nutritional epidemiologyAbstract
Introduction: The nutritional status of children is considered an important instrument in measuring the health conditions and quality of life of a population. The increasing prevalence of obesity in children is a significant public health problem as it is an important risk factor for obesity in adulthood. Objective: To evaluate the prevalence and factors associated with childhood obesity in the city of Rio Branco - Acre. Method: A database analysis was carried out from the Risk Factors and Morbidity Survey for Noncommunicable Diseases in the Municipality of Rio Branco / Health and Nutrition for Adults and Children in 2008.This cross-sectional study examined 687 children aged 0 to 60 months in urban and rural areas. Statistical analysis considered expansion and sample design. The prevalence of childhood obesity according to the anthropometric indices P / I (weight for age), P / E (weight for height) and BMI / I (Body Mass Index) were respectively 6.85% (95% CI = 5.30). - 8.80), 6.66% (95% CI = 3.22 - 13.27) and 6.61% (95% CI = 3.25 - 12.98). Results: The final model showed a higher prevalence of obesity in the BMI / I index under the following conditions: home in the urban area (PR = 6.81; 95% CI = 1.27 - 36.38), electric lighting without meter (PR = 2.10; 95% CI = 1.22 - 3.59), mother’s height greater than 163cm (PR = 2.24; 95% CI = 1.12 - 4.47) and maternal obesity (RP = 2.37 95% CI = 1.19 - 4.72). Conclusion: The prevalence of obesity in the BMI / I index was high and is related to socioeconomic factors and specific maternal characteristics. It is necessary to promote actions that lead to the formation of a healthy lifestyle even in childhood.
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