Domestic violence against women: construction and validation of content for applicability of a decision model
Violence against women, alidation studies, decision-makingAbstract
Introduction: domestic violence is characterized as a growing public health problem that has major consequences, in addition to violating the human rights of women who are in situations of violence.
Objective: describe the construction and content validation of an instrument to identify domestic violence against women from the perspective of the applicability of a decision model.
Methods: this is a methodological study composed of two phases: the first was the elaboration of the instrument, based on an integrative review of the literature; the second, content validation, through the evaluation of the instrument by ten specialists, with expertise in the area of domestic violence against women. For analysis, the Content Validity Index (CVI≥0.80) was calculated.
Results: of the 23 items initially submitted to validation, 65.2% (n = 15) achieved CVI equal to or greater than (0.80) and 34.8% (n = 8) had CVI lower than (0.80). After making the changes suggested by the experts in the first round, a second version of the instrument was constructed and sent back to the participating judges, adjusting the proposed items. In this second evaluation round, the adjusted and added items reached CVI equal to or greater than 0.90.
Conclusion: the instrument was considered valid and adequate to identify domestic violence against women, serving as a source for the construction of health indicators and for coping with this problem.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Gomes LVC, Coêlho HFC, Sampaio J, Silva VPO, Lucena KDT, Oliveira CDB
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