Components of intersectoral partnerships and positive health outcomes in highly vulnerable areas in São Paulo/Brazil: a mixed methods study


  • Patricia Melo Bezerra a Centro Universitário FMABC. Pós-graduação em Ciências da Saúde
  • Iara Coelho Zito Guerriero b Centro Universitário FMABC. Pós-graduação em Ciências da Saúde



Intersectoral collaboration, primary health care, poverty, mixed method


Introduction: Studying highly vulnerable areas is challenging, but it can support intersectoral actions to tackle the social inequalities prevalent therein.

Objective: This research explores the relationship between the central constituents of intersectoral collaborations and the positive results of intersectoral actions in areas of high social vulnerability in São Paulo, Brazil. It also analyzes the perception of professionals in basic health units (BHU) regarding the results related to those actions.

Methods: This study employed methodological triangulation and the mixed method sequential explanatory strategy. First, we applied an online form validated by face and content for BHU managers. Then, we used the SPSS Statistics software to perform nonparametric tests. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05, and 95% confidence intervals and phi coefficients were calculated. After identifying the units that carried out intersectoral actions with different partners, we conducted focus groups in four of them with 26 health professionals until saturation. Finally, we integrated quantitative and qualitative data.

Results: The bivariate analysis showed that the creation of healthy habits and environmental improvements were associated with the central components of intersectoral partnerships. The content analysis presented steps to elaborate the actions and arrive at the results from the central elements. Integration of the results explained how the results related to the actions were elaborated, considering the central elements of the collaborative processes.

Conclusions: Partners negotiate with patients or communities to adhere to the care provided through the collaborative process. However, they recognized that they needed to evaluate the proposed actions regularly.


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