Mortality attributable to cardiovascular diseases in young adults residents in Brazil
cardiovascular diseases, epidemiology, mortality, young adultAbstract
Introduction: cardiovascular diseases are the leading causes of death in the world. Despite the reduction in CVD incidence and mortality in the 20th century, the values remain high in the 21st century. In Brazil, there is a gap in population studies that estimated standardized mortality rates from cardiovascular diseases in young adults.
Objective: to assess the trend in mortality from cardiovascular diseases in young adults, according to sex, age group and regions of Brazil.
Methods: ecological time series study using official secondary data from Mortality Information Systems (SIM). All deaths from cardiovascular diseases (I00-I-99) in young adults aged 20-49 years, residing in Brazil, in the period from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2017, were considered. Data were extracted from the Department of Informatics of the SUS (DATASUS). The Prais-Winsten regression model was used and the Annual Percentage Variation (APV) was calculated. All analyzes were performed in STATA 14.0 software.
Results: during the period 2008-2017, 294,232 deaths (8.7%) from cardiovascular disease were identified in young adults aged 20-49 years. A reduction in CVD mortality was identified in all regions of Brazil, except for individuals aged 20-24 years, residing in the Northeast region, which showed an increase (APC: 2.45%) (p<0.05) 2013 -2017. The greatest variation in the mortality trend occurred in the South region (APC: -25.2%). While the smallest change in mortality trend occurred in the Northeast region (APC: -8.8%). The annual decline was smaller in the second quinquennium (2013-2017) compared to the first (2008-2012). Furthermore, the decline was more pronounced among women (APC: -2.51%) (p<0.05) 2008-2012 and in young adults aged 40-44 years (APC: -2.91%) (p<0.05) 2008-2012. Furthermore, the trend in CVD mortality stabilized from 2013 onwards in males (p>0.05).
Conclusion: the results demonstrate a decreasing trend in mortality from Cardiovascular Disease in young adults in Brazil, between 2008-2017. It is concluded that there is inequality in the trend of mortality from CVD according to sex, age group and regions of Brazil.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ribeiro SL, Souza Júnior HMF, Adami F, Sousa Santos EF, Bernal HM, Morais TC, Smiderle FRN, Pimentel RMM, Venâncio DP
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