Perception of the risk factors for oral cancer and access to preventive actions in the perspective of the population in street situation and health professionals Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil.


  • Eufrasia Santos Cadorin aCentro Universitário UNINORTE, Rio Branco, AC, Brazil. bSecretaria Municipal de Saúde de Rio Branco, Rio Branco, AC, cUniversidade Federal do Acre, Rio Branco, AC, Brazil
  • Romeu Paulo Martins Silva cUniversidade Federal do Acre, Rio Branco, AC, Brazil.
  • Italla Maria Pinheiro Bezerra dMaster’s Program in Public Policies and Local Development of the Santa Casa de Misericórdia School of Sciences of, Vitória, ES, Brazil. eLaboratory of Design and Scientific Writing of the Faculty of Medicine of ABC. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.



oral cancer, prevention, homeless


Backgroung: in Brazil, the homeless population is a phenomenon that involves a variety of factors that, among the most frequent, are: the rupture of family bonds, the inexistence of work and the absence or insufficiency of income and frequent use of alcohol and other drugs.

Objective: to analyze the perception of oral cancer, its risk factors and preventive actions from the perspective of the homeless population and health professionals from the team Clinic on the Street in the city of Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil.

Methods: a qualitative study, developed through Content Analysis, carried out from January to April 2018, with the homeless population and health professionals’ team of Clinic on the Street in Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil.

Results: it was evidenced that the homeless population’ situation and the health professionals of Clinic on the Street have perception about the risk factors related to this aggravation, however the users are not concerned with preventive actions. The professionals of the team do not develop actions aimed at the prevention of the disease. From the perspective of the team and the users, preventive actions can be developed, however what is predominant is the accomplishment of punctual actions with emphasis on changing harmful habits.

Conclusion: the homeless population and the professionals from Clinic on the Street are aware of the main risk factors for oral cancer. The team does not develop specific actions to prevent this disease and users understand the need for prevention. The difficulty of access and the period of return to the dental surgeon are factors that make prevention difficult.


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