Epidemiological profile of prostate cancer mortality and access to hospital care in Brazilian regions - an ecological study


  • Stefanie de Sousa Antunes Alcantara University Center - FMABC, Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Patricia Merly Martinelli University Center - FMABC, Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Luiz Vinicius de Alcantara Sousa University Center - FMABC, Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Fernando Luiz Affonso Fonseca Clinical Laboratory University Center - FMABC, Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil




prostate cancer , Epidemiology, mortality , hospitalization


Introduction: Due to the high incidence and mortality rates that cancer has, the World Health Organization (WHO) defines it as a public health problem and points out that there are approximately 10 million people affected by cancer, the estimate for the year 2020 will be 16 million of sick individuals.One of the most frequent neoplasms in the world, Prostate Cancer (CaP) (1.1 million), occupies 4th place, being behind only lung cancer (1.8 million), breast (1.7 million), and intestine (1.4 million). In the year 2012, approximately 1,112,000 new global cases of CaP were registered, with about 307,000 deaths.


Objective: To analyze the epidemiological profile of mortality from prostate cancer and the access of patients to health among Brazilian regions.


Methods: Ecological study based on secondary data from between the years 2000 and 2015. Mortality, hospitalization, and population were collected at the DATASUS. The variables were related to the epidemiological profile of CaP among Brazilian regions, stratified by the number of hospitalizations, of deaths, admission fee, mortality rate, and age group (40 to 79 years). The study looks at a time trend and gains access to health and mortality using regression models.


Results: The northern showed a greater decrease in cases from 40-59 years (β: -1,800; -0.46). Southeast, with a small reduction only between 40 and 44 years old (β: -0.345 and p: 0.665). Northeast, South, and Center-West regions did not express a drop in the hospitalization rate, with the greatest growth between 65 and 69 years old (β: 7,862; 11,346; and p> 0.05). The Midwest had the greatest increase between 55 and 59 years (β: 3,660, p: 0.098), followed by 65 to 69 years (β: 3,491, p: 0.314). Mortality rates indicated a reduction in the Southeast (β: - 0.440) and South (β: -0.361).


Conclusion: This study found an association with various environmental and economic cultures in each Brazilian region, being an important resource for the development of health services and their access to the population.


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