Food consumption in early childhood: contribution to food and nutritional surveillance




child health, feeding behavior, food consumption, infant nutrition


Adequate nutrition in childhood contributes to the establishment of healthy eating habits that will be reflected, not only in the short term, but also in adulthood. The objective was to characterize food consumption and identify factors associated with the inadequate nutritional status of children under two years of age. This is a cross-sectional study conducted with a sample of 344 infants under two years of age and their respective mothers, followed up in Family Health Units. Sociodemographic and anthropometric variables of mothers and infants and the food consumption of these children were assessed using a structured questionnaire. The strength of association between the dependent and the independent variables was assessed by the odds ratio, both in the univariate and in the multiple analysis, with a significance level of 5%. After adjusting for confounding variables, gestational anemia [OR: 3.58 CI: 1.46-8.77] and maternal work [OR: 0.38, CI: 0.18-0.80] remained associated with inadequate nutritional status. It is necessary to implement more effective programs for family counseling, reinforcing the importance of breastfeeding and the correct inclusion of complementary feeding.


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