The Portal of Electronic Journals of the Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences (FFC) of Unesp - Campus de Marília, São Paulo, Brazil, is composed of 16 current and 6 retired journals, covering various areas of knowledge, whose publications have DOIs with the prefix acquired by the FFC. The Portal is managed by the Council of Editors of Scientific Journals (CEPEC), based on its own regulations, under the responsibility of the Permanent Commission of Publications and the editorial seal "Oficina Universitária" of the FFC. The editing and operational management are carried out by the Editorial Lab. The editorial management system is the Open Journal System (OJS/PKP), version 3, with an open access philosophy.


  • Brazilian Journal of International Relations

    It is a scientific journal of continuous publication of annual volumes, of the Postgraduate Program in Social Sciences and the Institute of Public Management and International Relations (IGEPRI), whose mission is to disseminate scientific production in International Relations and Public Policy and related areas, aiming to contribute to the discussion and development of knowledge in the area.
    e-ISSN: 2237-7743
    ISSN L: 2237-7743
    Year of foundation: 2011
    Frequency: quarterly
    Responsible editor: Marcelo Fernandes de Oliveira
    Institutional email:
    Database: CAPES |Base | Biblioteke Virtual | EBSCO Publishing | Ibict | International Political Science Abstracts (IPSA) | Google Scholar | Scilit
    Directories: Diadorim
    Indexes and Portals: Latindex| Miguilim
    Academic Social Media:

  • Brazilian Journal of Information Science: Research Trends

    The Brazilian Journal of Information Science: Research Trends (BRAJIS) is a peer-reviewed, open access scientific journal, published by the Graduate Program in Information Science - São Paulo State University - UNESP, campus of Marília - Brazil. Its target audience is researchers, professors, professionals and students of Information Science and its sub-areas.

    e-ISSN: 1981-1640
    ISSN L: 1981-1640
    Ano de fundação: 2006
    Periodicidade: Publicação contínua
    Editor responsável: Edberto Ferneda
    E-mail institucional:

    Base de dados: CAPESBASE | BRAPCI | CiteFactor- Academic Scientific Journals |
    Google Scholar | Ibict Oasisbr | Library Literature & Information Science Index (EBSCO) | Scilit |
    Diretórios: Dialnet | Diadorim | DOAJ |DRJI | EuroPub | Mendeley
    Índices e Portais: ERIH PLUS| Latindex | MIAR | LivRe
    Redes Sociais Acadêmicas: Crue-Rebiun | LatinRev | ProQuest |REDIB

    BRAJIS publishes research papers related to scientific research in Library and Information Science, and related areas, such as Librarianship, Archival Science, Museology and the like. Articles must be written in proper English, Portuguese or Spanish.

    The Brazilian Journal of Information Science: Research Trends (BRAJIS) began publication with v.0, n.0, June / December 2006.

    BRAJIS does not have article processing charges (APCs). BRAJIS does not have article submission charges.

    Creative Commons License
    The articles are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

  • Educação em Revista

    It is a scientific journal of continuous publication of annual volumes, of the Department of Administration and School Supervision (DASE), whose mission is to disseminate scientific production in Education and related areas, aiming to contribute to the discussion and development of knowledge in the area.
    Educação em Revista
    e-ISSN: 2236-5192
    ISSN (printed): 1518-7926
    ISSN L: 2236-5192
    Year of foundation: 2000
    Frequency: Semi-annual, and special issues may be published in due course.
    Editor in charge: Emery Marques Gusmão, Ana Clara Bortoleto Nery and Graziela Zambao Abdian
    Institutional email:

    Database: CAPES | Google Scholar | Scilit
    Directories: DOAJ
    Indexes and Portals: Latindex
    Academic Social Networks: REDIB


  • Revista Fim do Mundo

    It is an interdisciplinary scientific journal of continuous publication of biannual editions, from the Brazilian Institute for Contemporary Studies (IBEC) and Research Group Organizations & Democracy (GPOD) of the Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP, whose mission is to disseminate scientific production in Philosophy and Political Science and related areas, aiming to contribute to the discussion and development of knowledge in the area.
    e-ISSN: 2675-3871
    ISSN (printed): 2675-3812
    Foundation year: 2020
    Frequency: Semi-annual (between 2020-2021: four-monthly)
    Responsible editor: Henrique Tahan Novaes
    Institutional email:
    Base de dados: CAPESGoogle Acadêmico |Oasisbr | Scilit
    Diretórios: Diadorim | DOAJ
    Índices e Portais: AmeliCA | Latindex | Livre | MIAR
    Redes Sociais Acadêmicas: LatinREV |REDIB | SJIF | ScienceGate | Dimensions |

    Copyright (c) Revista Fim do Mundo

    Creative Commons License

  • Kantian Studies (EK)

    Scientific journal of continuous publication of annual volumes edited by the Center for Research and Kantian Studies “Valerio Rohden” [CPEK], linked to the Department of Philosophy, Kantian Studies has the mission of disseminating scientific production in the scope of studies devoted to the thought of Immanuel Kant, aiming to contribute to the discussion and development of knowledge in the area.

    e-ISSN: 2318-0501
    ISSN L: 2318-0501
    Year of foundation: 2013
    Frequency: Semiannual
    Editor in charge: Fernando M. F. Silva, Gualtiero Lorini, Paulo Jesus and Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques.
    Institutional email:

    Database: CAPES | Google Scholar | Web of Science | Scilit
    Directories: Diadorim | DOAJ
    Indexes and Portals: Latindex  Philosopher’s


  • Journal of Human Growth and Development

    It is a scientific journal with continuous publication of annual volumes whose mission is to disseminate scientific production in Health Sciences and related areas, aiming to contribute to the discussion and development of knowledge around the problem of human growth and development.
    e-ISSN: 2175-3598
    ISSN (printed): 0104-1282
    ISSN L: 0104-1282
    Ano de fundação: 1991
    Frequência: Quatro meses
    Editor responsável: Luiz Carlos de Abreu and Vitor Engrácia Valenti
    E-mail institucional:


    database: CAPES | CLASE | Copernicus Plublications | EBSCO | Google Scholar | Índice Psi Periódicos | LILACS | PepsicScopus | Scilit

    Diretórios: Diadorim | DOAJ | DRJI | EZB

    Índices e Portais: Latindex | MIAR | SSOAR | SJR

     Redes Sociais Acadêmicas: CrossRef | LatinRev | ProQuest



  • Kínesis - Revista de Estudos dos Pós-Graduandos em Filosofia

    It is a scientific journal of continuous publication of annual volumes, of the Postgraduate Program in Philosophy and the Department of Philosophy, whose mission is to disseminate scientific production in Philosophy and related areas, aiming to contribute to the discussion and development of knowledge in the area. .

    e-ISSN: 1984-8900
    ISSN L: 1984-8900
    Year of foundation: 2009
    Frequency: Semiannual
    Responsible editor: Ricardo Pereira Tassinari
    Institutional email:

    Database: CAPES |Biblat |CAPES | CLASE | Google Scholar | Philosopher’s Index | Scilit
    Directories: Diadorim | DOAJ | DRJI
    Indexes and Portals: ANPOF | LATINDEX | The Keepers | Road
    Academic Social Networks: Crossref | REDIB


  • Revista Aurora

    It is a scientific journal of continuous publication of one volume per year, of the Postgraduate Program in Social Sciences, whose mission is to disseminate scientific production in Social Sciences and related areas, aiming to contribute to the discussion and development of knowledge in the area.

    Revista Aurora
    e-ISSN: 1982-8004
    ISSN L: 1982-8004
    Year of foundation: 2007
    Frequency: SEMI-ANNUAL
    Responsible Editor: Agnaldo dos Santos / José Geraldo Alberto Bertoncini Poker
    Institutional email:

    Database: CAPES| Google Scholar | Ibict Oasisbr |Sumarios.orgZeitschriften Datenbank | Scilit
    Directories: DIADORIM | Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek (EZB) Electronic Journals Library |EuroPub
    Indexes and Portals: ERIH PLUS | Latindex
    Academic Social Networks: LatinREV | REDIB



    It is a scientific journal of continuous publication of annual volumes, from the Brazilian Association of Adapted Motor Activity, whose mission is to disseminate scientific production in Health Sciences and related areas, aiming to contribute to the discussion and development of knowledge in the area.

    Continuation of the Brazilian Society of Adapted Motor Activity Magazine
    e-ISSN: 2674-8681 / Old: 2359-2974
    ISSN (print): Brazilian Society of Motor Activity Magazine Adapted: 1413-9006
    ISSN L: 2674-8681
    Founding year: 2012
    Frequency: Semester
    Editor in charge: Eduardo Manzini / Maria Luiza Salzani Fiorini
    Institutional email:

    Database: CAPES | Google Acadêmico |  Sumá  | Scilit
    Directories: Diadorim
    Indexes and Portals: Latindex
    Academic Social Networks: LatinRev  |  REDIB


  • Revista do Instituto de Políticas Públicas de Marília

    It is a scientific journal of the Institute of Public Policies of Marília (IPPMar), Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences (FFC), Sao Paulo State University (Unesp), published in continuous flow mode, whose contents are distributed in annual volumes.

    e-ISSN: 2447-780X
    ISSN L: 2447-780X
    Year Founded: 2015
    Periodicity: Continuous Flow
    Institutional Email:

    License: Creative Commons License

  • Revista Diálogos e Perspectivas em Educação Especial

    It is a scientific journal with continuous publication of annual volumes, from the Department of Education and Human Development, whose mission is to disseminate scientific production in Special Education and Inclusive Education and related areas, aiming to contribute to the discussion and development of knowledge in the area.

    e-ISSN: 2764-6440
    ISSN (Impreso): 2358-8845
    ISSN L: 2358-8845
    Year founded: 2014
    Periodicity: Semestral
    Responsible editor: Sandra Eli Sartoreto de Oliveira Martins 
    Institucional e-mail:

    Database: CAPES | Edubase | Google Scholar  | Ibict Oasisbr |Sumá | Scilit
    Directories: DOAJ | DRJI | Diadorim
    Indexs and Portals: Latindex
    Academic Social Networks: LatinREVREDIB



  • ORG & DEMO

    It is a scientific journal with continuous publication of annual volumes, by the Organizations and Democracy Research Group of the São Paulo State University (UNESP), whose mission is to disseminate scientific production in Social Sciences and related areas, aiming to contribute to the discussion and development of knowledge. in the area.

    ORG & DEMO
    e-ISSN: 2238-5703
    ISSN (printed): 1519-0110
    ISSN L: 1519-0110
    Founding year: 2001
    Frequency: Semester
    Editor in charge: Neusa Maria Dal Ri
    Institutional email:

    Database: CAPES |BilbatCLASE | EBSCO | EDUBASE | Google Acadêmico | Ibict Oasisbr |SocINDEX | Scilit
    Directories: Diadorim
    Indices and Portals: Cambridge Scientific Abstracts | LATINDEX
    Academic Social Networks: Redalyc | REDIB

    License: Creative Commons License

  • Revista Novos Rumos

    It is a scientific journal of continuous publication of annual volumes, from Instituto Astrojildo Pereira, whose mission is to disseminate scientific production in Philosophy of praxis and Human Sciences, aiming to contribute to the discussion and development of knowledge in the area.

    Novos Rumos
    e-ISSN: 2763-9096 | ISSN (Printed): 0102-5864
    ISSN L: 0102-5864
    Founding year: 1986
    Frequency: Semester
    Editor in charge: Marcos Tadeu Del Roio
    Institutional email:

    Database: CAPES | Google Scholar |  | Scilit
    Indexes and Portals:
    Academic Social Networks: LatinRev


  • Schème: Revista Eletrônica de Psicologia e Epistemologia Genéticas

    It is a scientific journal with continuous publication of annual volumes, from the Graduate Program in Education and the Department of Educational Psychology at Unesp de Marília, whose mission is to disseminate scientific production in Philosophy, Psychology and related areas, aiming to contribute to the discussion and development of knowledge in the area.

    e-ISSN: 1984-1655
    ISSN L: 1984-1655
    Founding year: 2007
    Frequency: Semester
    Editor in charge: Adrian Oscar Dongo Montoya
    Institutional email:

    Database: CAPES | Google Scholar | Sumários.og | Oasisbr | Scilit
    Directories: Diadorim | DOAJ
    Indexes and Portals:  LATINDEX
    Academic Social Networks: CrossRef | REDIB


  • Revista Práxis e Hegemonia Popular

    It is a scientific journal of continuous publication of annual volumes, from the International Gramsci Society Brazil (IGS-Brasil), whose mission is to disseminate scientific production in Social Sciences and related areas, aiming to contribute to the discussion and development of knowledge in the area.

    e-ISSN: 2526-1843
    ISSN L: 2526-1843
    Founding year: 2016
    Frequency: Semester
    Editor in charge: Rodrigo Duarte Fernandes dos Passos
    Institutional email:

    Database: CAPES | Google Scholar | | Scilit
    Directories: Diadorim 
    Indexes and Portals:
    Academic Social Networks: LatinRev

  • Trans/Form/Ação

    The purpose of the Trans/Form/Ação: Journal of Philosophy is to publish, in print and electronically, texts of excellence in philosophy or of philosophical relevance, socializing knowledge, seeking to promote debate and the interlocution of ideas. The content of the texts is exposed in the form of articles, reviews, translations, in addition to interviews applied to professionals whose roles concern the relevance of production and dedication to the philosophical area. All forms of publication obey the thematic, methodological and periodic variety, maintaining, with this, respect for the different tendencies of philosophical knowledge, as well as the different orientations of thought.

    Qualis/CAPES: A2
    e-ISSN: 1980-539X
    ISSN (printed): 0101-3173
    ISSN L: 0101-3173
    Founding year: 1974
    Frequency: Quarterly (from 2022 the journal intends to adopt the continuous flow publication mode)
    Editor in charge: Marcos Antonio Alves
    Institutional email:

    Database: Biblat | CAPES | CLASE |  EBSCOGoogle Scholar | Oasisbr | Scopus | Web of Science | The Philosopher’s | Scilit
    Directories: Diadorim | DOAJ | MLA
    Indexes and Portals: ANPOF | BASE |ERIHPLUS |Latindex | MIAR | SciELO | SJRISSN |
    Academic Social Networks: | LatinRev | ProQuest | Redalyc | REDIBThe PhilPapers Foundation
