Sexism and gender violence: “imagine in the world cup”




Symbolic violence, Gender, Complaint


This article presents a complaint related to the sexual fetish involved in one of the most sexist shows experienced by the Brazilian culture in the recent times, as recorded in video. The host country of the 2018 Footbal World Cup (Russia), prohibits women from working in more than four hundred professions; meanwhile, in Brazil, it seems to be an enormous difficulty to see harassers as adult men, fully capable and responsible for their attitudes that are treated, including by the media, as “boys” who were “playing” and “did not know what they are doing”.

Recebido em:15/06/2019.
Aprovado em: 05/02/2020.


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Author Biography

  • Jamilly Nicácio Nicolete, Centro Universitário Toledo de Ensino

    Doutora em Educação. Docente no Centro Universitário Toledo de Ensino/Araçatuba. 


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How to Cite

Nicolete, J. N. (2020). Sexism and gender violence: “imagine in the world cup”. Educação Em Revista, 21, 55-72.

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