The National Curricular Common Basis and the Pedagogical Projects of Catholic Schools: possible approaches




National Commom Curricular Basis, Catholic Schools, Humanization of Education


Considering the normative character of the National Curricular Common Basis (BNCC) and, therefore, the inexorable implications of its propositions on the curricula of catholic schools, it is necessary to question the adaptation of the curricula of these schools to the postulates of Basis, ensuring that these institutions have coherence with their educational projects. Thus, this article, elaborated from a qualitative research, of exploratory nature, seeks to find approach points between the pedagogical conceptions underlying the BNCC and the Ecclesial Magisterium, through the study of the Basis itself and documents from the Congregation of Catholic Education. In view of the relevance given by these two instances of the humanizing meaning of education, it is concluded that both the BNCC and the Church Magisterium stress the need to broaden the notion of school education, reaching the idea of full human formation within the horizon of the characteristic of intentionality of a curriculum that is organized according to the competencies paradigm.

Recebido em: 06/02/2020.
Aprovado em: 15/05/2020.

Author Biography

  • Luis Eduardo Duarte Novais, PUC/SP

    Doutorado em Educação (PUC/SP, 2020); professor da Escola Católica Querigma (São Carlos, SP).


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How to Cite

The National Curricular Common Basis and the Pedagogical Projects of Catholic Schools: possible approaches. (2020). Educação Em Revista, 21(2), 105-118.