Promoting beliefs of teacher self-efficacy for the teaching of art: results of a continuing education experience
Teacher self-efficacy, Teaching, ArtAbstract
The teachers perception of their ability to teach Art is a mediator of the actions that develop in the classroom. Teachers’ self-efficacy for teaching is partly linked to coping behaviors, persistence, selection, and it will affect one’s motivation. This study aimed to measure the level of self-efficacy and its sources of information in teachers who teaching Art in public schools in a city in the interior of Sao Paulo state. The study was carried out from a face-to-face continuing education course, in which self-efficacy was evaluated in three moments - before, during and at the end of the course. This is a quantitative study, with the participation of 29 teachers from a municipal school system in the interior of São Paulo, who answered two self-efficacy scales. The results showed that there was a significant increase in self-efficacy along the course. Regarding the sources, vicarious experiences and social persuasion were the ones that were most significant for teachers. As the literature points out, continuing education processes can contribute to the construction and strengthening of self-efficacy to teach Art in the school.
Recebido em: 22/10/2017.
Aprovado em: 09/10/2018.
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