Questions about methodologies and curriculum in promoting Integral Education


  • Sergio Vale da Paixão Instituto Federal do Paraná



Educação integral, Escola em tempo integral, Currículo


Although the  econcept of integralducation is already part of numerous documents that guide the work of the teacher, it seems to us that the concept of what, in fact, is an integral education is not so clear to many educators. This article seeks to discuss some theoretical and conceptual positions that underlie the concept of Integral Education in the official documents that organize the work of the teacher in Brazil, problematizing the active methodologies and the curriculum as paths for the construction of this education. The concept of integral education and full-time schools as they appear in the documentary records, especially the political pedagogical projects of schools, requires that this very important and current theme in the Brazilian education scenario be problematized, especially with the arrival of the BNCC (BRASIL, 2017). From the literature review on the concept of integral education as well as problematizations about active pedagogies and the curriculum, we will seek information to understand what it really means to promote Integral Education in the context of school institutions.

Author Biography

  • Sergio Vale da Paixão, Instituto Federal do Paraná

    Doutor em Psicologia pela UNESP. Professor do IFPR - campus Jacarezinho


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How to Cite

Questions about methodologies and curriculum in promoting Integral Education. (2021). Educação Em Revista, 22(esp2), 11-26.