
  • Sergio Vale da Paixão Instituto Federal do Paraná




Juventude, Comunicação virtual, Escola


The attentive looks at a new youth that has been taking over social spaces from their own productions have collaborated effectively so that new spaces of being in the world are also reconstructed. The school, a place of excellence in human formation, despite advances in this aspect, has been moving slowly in deconstructing environments and learning methods that put aside old practices and come to meet this new configuration of young people of recent times. From the literature review as a research method, we seek to problematize the role of young people and their cultural production in the collaboration for a more updated school activity. This article aims to problematize the need for the school to observe the cultural production of young people in the virtual spheres of communication in order to update their training practices in which cognition and affectivity go together in favor of a comprehensive quality education for all students.

Author Biography

  • Sergio Vale da Paixão, Instituto Federal do Paraná

    Doutor em Psicologia pela UNESP; professor no Instituto Federal do Paraná (IFPR) - campus de Jacarezinho.


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How to Cite

A LOOK AT CULTURAL YOUTH PRODUCTION AND THE ROLE OF SCHOOL. (2021). Educação Em Revista, 22(esp), 145-156. https://doi.org/10.36311/2236-5192.2021.v22nesp.p145-156