Information and knoledge organizational audit
genesis of an integration
DOI: clave:
Information Audit, Knowledge Audit, Integral Audit of Information-Knowledge, Information Management, Knowledge ManagementResumen
Since the decade of 80 when the information management as a resource had a higher emphasis, it also aroused the need to deepen the control measures of such information. This way appeared the informational audit with different focuses. One decade later, the organizations evaluated that the work with information was not enough, but that people and their knowledge marked differences. Then they began to study the phenomenon of the management processes associated to the organizational knowledge, generating also different kinds of audit to this resource. If between the information and the knowledge exist skidding borders, the same may also occur among the audits in both the resources. In fact when an information audit is made in any manner the knowledge is present and vice versa. Therefore, this route presents us the option to think in the integration of both the focuses in an integral methodology which may develop in different organizations. This article introduces us to these issues and justifies the need to count on an integral methodology to the development of these audits in organizational level.
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