Paradigmatic Archive

a reflection on the universal properties of Archival Institutions from the Archivo General das Indias




Archive, Model, Form, Ontology, Archival properties, Institutional uses


This paper aims to present the universals properties of the Archives, thought of as an archival institution, based on a priori philosophical reflection, to establish fundaments to determinate the graduation of these properties – and their maximum level, at the Paradigmatic Archive – and to confirm these properties through the forms observed in the General Archive of the Indies, that displays them to some degree. With that, the aim is to build a model for the Archives, determining how they should be. The interdisciplinary approach, between ontology and archivology, was adopted, integrating the method of philosophical reflection with documentary research procedures, based on pieces of fonds from the General Archive of the Indies, collection of images of the author and sources. The discussion addresses aspects of practices, forms and functions, which indicate the essence of the Archives and their path towards their paradigmatic ideality. The General Archive of the Indies is presented as a particular example that exemplifies these essential properties. Our conclusion is that there are certain essential universal properties of Archives, or archival institutions, which are: accessibility, durability and practicality. In addition, the proposed model is applicable for the institutionalization of Archives and also for the construction, reforms, implantations, the creation of new spaces, adaptations, restructuring in buildings and institutional uses of the Archive.


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How to Cite

“Paradigmatic Archive: A Reflection on the Universal Properties of Archival Institutions from the Archivo General Das Indias”. Brazilian Journal of Information Science: Research Trends, vol. 14, no. 4 - out-dez, Sept. 2020, p. e020010,