Ranking da produção científica dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação no Brasil





Scientific Production, Scientometrics, Information Science


This study focuses on the scientific production of postgraduate programs in Information Science from 2008 to 2012. It aims to list the scientific production recorded in the Lattes curriculum of Professors connected with the Graduate Program in Information Science accredited by the Coordination improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) with grade five. Through qualitative and quantitative research, the literature review sought to align itself with the Assessment System for Postgraduate deployed by CAPES. The methodological procedures identifies the registered Professors within these programs, collecting data in the Lattes curricula, and treating them from the bibliometric and scientometric assumptions to weave analysis and validation of results. It discusses scientific production in relation to the Information Science in the country. It analyzes that there is a difference of almost 50% between the first placed with the third and the fourth in the ranking of scientific output. The estudy argues that qualitative criteria could improve the systems of evaluation of programs that would contribute to the development of scientific production. It concludes that the different rates of production of scientific programs with the same note could be the main snag CAPES evaluation. At the same time, this study suggests, for example, postgraduate programs to adopt criterion focused on responsibility or requirement of publication policy by students of graduate programs within the programs.


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Author Biography

  • Maria Cleide Rodrigues Bernardino

    O Laboratório Editorial foi instituído com o objetivo de criar condições e oportunidades para a difusão de pesquisas e tornar públicos os resultados dos trabalhos do corpo docente da FFC. Constitui-se num órgão adjunto à Diretoria da FFC e vinculado à SAEPE, com o apoio da Seção Gráfica, da Diretoria, da Biblioteca, e das Seções de Finanças, Compras e Técnica Acadêmica. A função do Laboratório Editorial é a de assessorar, planejar, realizar e distribuir livros, periódicos e outras publicações elaboradas na FFC.

    E-mail: labeditorial@marilia.unesp.br 









How to Cite

“Ranking Da produção científica Dos Programas De Pós-Graduação Em Ciência Da Informação No Brasil”. Brazilian Journal of Information Science: Research Trends, vol. 8, no. 1/2, Dec. 2014, https://doi.org/10.36311/1981-1640.2014.v8n1e2.14.p273.