Digital curation on digital cultural heritage collections

theoretical and practical aspects in the field of Information Science


  • Maycon Soave Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Daniela Lucas da Silva Lemos Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo



Digital Curation; Networked Cultural Heritage; Data; Metadata; Representation of information and knowledge.


The advance of information technology has enabled the migration of analog objects to the digital environment, allowing memory institutions, linked to cultural heritage, new alternatives to manage their data. Digital curation becomes relevant in this new context of accelerated production of data and metadata, both in the management and in the availability of collections on the Internet, allowing informational cultural heritage to enter the digital environment. The objective is to present the role of digital curation in cultural heritage collections. Content analysis is used as a methodology to propose categories of analysis, survey and literature review on digital curation in cultural heritage collections, in order to understand the state of the art of this theme in Information Science. The background and historical trajectory of digital curation are presented, as well as a current overview of digital curation in the scope of Information Science, indicating opportunities and challenges relevant to the development of digital platforms of cultural heritage with network quality through actions of well-planned digital curation, supported by the fields of information and technology.


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How to Cite

“Digital Curation on Digital Cultural Heritage Collections: Theoretical and Practical Aspects in the Field of Information Science”. Brazilian Journal of Information Science: Research Trends, vol. 16, July 2022, p. e02152,