Knowledge management in chat tools in the organizational context

Practices for knowledge retrieval


  • Kássia Rayane Pereira Centro de Ensino Superior de Maringá - UniCesumar
  • Nelson Nunes Tenório Junior Centro de Ensino Superior de Maringá - UniCesumar
  • Cláudia Herrero Martins Menegassi



WhatsApp, Competitive advantage, Organizational Memory, Organizational Learning


In a dynamic context, organizations are looking for ways to gain competitive advantages. In this sense, the wide use of technological tools, such as chat, to offer products and services, communication, knowledge sharing, among others, stands out. However, if there is no adequate storage of knowledge created in these tools, the loss of organizational knowledge may occur, making it impossible to recover and use knowledge, as well as the creation of Organizational Memory (OM). In this way, knowledge management (KM) becomes a fundamental discipline to treat knowledge and make it available in a useful way for the organization. Thus, the objective of this research is to systematize practices for the retrieval of knowledge in chat tools in the organizational context. To this end, exploratory research was carried out, with a quantitative-qualitative approach, with the technical procedures of text mining and ethnography in digital media. With the results, it was possible to present five KM practices for knowledge retrieval: Advanced Search Tool, Content Management, Skills Bank, Knowledge Bases, and Virtual Collaborative Environments. From such practices, it is concluded that it is possible to recover knowledge in chat tools, avoiding the loss of organizational knowledge and enabling the creation of the group's MO.


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How to Cite

“Knowledge Management in Chat Tools in the Organizational Context: Practices for Knowledge Retrieval”. Brazilian Journal of Information Science: Research Trends, vol. 15, Oct. 2021, p. e02120,