Innovation models

bibliometric analysis of scientific production




Innovation models, Bibliometrics, Scopus, Scientific production


The present study aimed to identify the number of publications, authors and most productive institutions, most cited documents, journals that publish the most on the topic, and keywords most used in scientific articles that deal with innovation models. The study was carried out in 1,538 articles retrieved from the Scopus database based on the search for the term “innovation models” in the title, abstract and keywords fields, without any time frame. The results show that there is a growing trend in the number of publications on this topic, having identified Zi-Li Deng as the author with the greatest impact. In addition, the article “Open for innovation: the role of openness in explaining innovation performance among U.K. manufacturing firms”, by Laursen, K and Salter, A, emerged as the most cited among the identified documents. Among the journals, Technological Forecasting and Social Change magazine presented the largest number of articles on the topic. The United States shows itself to be the country with the largest share in the number of articles and Delft University of Technology, located in the Netherlands, is the most productive institution. As for keywords, the terms management, innovation adoption and strategy were those with the highest semantic content. The use of bibliometric techniques proved to be adequate to identify the essential characteristics of scientific production on models of innovation. The study can be adopted as a decision-making tool for researchers, since it provides the main journals, authors and indexing terms on models of innovation.


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Author Biographies

  • André José Ribeiro Guimarães, Federal University of Paraná

    Master and PhD student in Information Management

  • Paulo Sergio da Conceição Moreira, Federal University of Paraná

    Master and PhD student in Information Management

  • Cicero Aparecido Bezerrra, Dr, Universidade Federal do Paraná

    PhD in Production Engineering


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How to Cite

“Innovation Models: Bibliometric Analysis of Scientific Production”. Brazilian Journal of Information Science: Research Trends, vol. 15, May 2021, p. e02106,