Imperialismo e hegemonia estadunidense no século XXI
o papel da Guerra ao Terror
United States of America, War on Terror, Hegemony, ImperialismAbstract
In the year that the War on Terror (2001-present) completes two decades, this article remembers and analyzes its main events during the Bush, Obama and Trump administrations. To this end, such war is theoretically framed, based on the Marxist theories of imperialism. From this, it seeks to answer how it has contributed to the reproduction of United States hegemony in the twenty-first century. It is employed the historical-dialectical materialistic approach method, the historical procedure method and the indirect documentary research technique. In summary, the results obtained point out that this reproduction occurs, politically, by the consolidation of the United States dominance over the system of multiple States and, economically, by the direct and indirect gains generated.