Longitudinal monitoring of the nutritional status of schoolchildren in a public school
Children, School feeding, Overweight, Malnutrition, Nutrition SurveillanceAbstract
Introduction: The nutritional transition in Brazil has also reached the infant population. In this context, studies have demonstrated high prevalence of overweight and obesity in school-aged children.
Objective: analyze the nutritional and anthropometric status of children in a public school between the years of 2013 and 2015.
Methods: for which a longitudinal study was developed using a 2013 baseline study. The final sample consisted of 73 students with initial age between 3 and 9 years. Socioeconomic, anthropometric and school feeding practices were collected using questionnaires according to the school age. The nutritional status was determined by the collection of measures of weight and height, later these were used for expression z Weight / Age and Height / Age scores. SPSS was used for statistical analysis.
Results: The results showed that a significant percentage of schoolchildren remained overweight and obese from the Weight / Age index (21.8%) and at low weight risk by the Height / Age and Weight / Age (4.1% and 3%, 6%). These students presented a growth and weight gain within the norms of normality and the majority presented adequate weight for the age, nevertheless there was an expressive portion of schoolchildren who are underweight and overweight / obese.
Conclusions: The nutritional status of children is related to several factors that should be addressed through actions to develop food and nutrition surveillance and food and nutrition education with students to promote healthy eating habits.
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