
  • Tatiane Ribeiro Pacheco Interfisio
  • Fernando Viegas do Monte



Early mobilization, Intensive Care Unit, Critical Patients, Adapted Motor Activity


The development of generalized weakness related to the critical patient is one of the recurrent complications in an intensive care unit. Reduced muscle strength increases weaning time, hospitalization, risk of infection. Physiotherapy is fundamental in these patients as a resource for prevention of muscle weakness, hypotrophy and recovery of functional capacity. The critical patient admitted to the ICU has severe motor restrictions. Adequate bed positioning and early patient mobilization may represent one of the only possibilities for individual interaction with the environment and should be considered as a source of sensory motor stimulation and prevention of complications secondary to immobility. Some studies address the role of kinesiotherapy in critically ill patients, who in the initial phase are seen as “very sick” or “very clinically unstable” for mobilization interventions. However, early mobilization activities demonstrate benefits. Delaying the beginning of the exercises only helps to intensify the patient’s functional deficit. The objective of this study is to review the literature related to the effects of kinesiotherapy in patients admitted to intensive care units.


Received on: 03/03/2019
Reformulated on: 06/30/2019
Approved on: 06/30/2019


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