


Inclusive Physical Education, Adapted Motor Activity


Inclusive Education is today one of the biggest challenges in teaching action and in pedagogical practice, especially in/during Physical Education classes. In this complex context and in order to collaborate for the continuing training process of Physical Education teachers, this theoretical essay aims to present different inclusive perspectives, discuss the inclusive process in Physical Education classes in view of the concept of "Difference ” and present different teaching strategies considering the potential of students with disabilities, so that these strategies are facilitating instruments for the elaboration of more equitable pedagogical proposals. The text is organized in two moments and, in the first moment, the objective is focused on clarifying essential and pertinent concepts to the development of Inclusive Education and discussing about school inclusion from the perspective of students with disabilities, in the second moment we weave a discussion about the limitation versus potentiality presenting different possibilities and teaching strategies that facilitate the inclusive process. Many factors sometimes interfere negatively in the success of the inclusive process, however, even with so many adversities, Physical Education teachers have acted as transforming agents by involving the educational community in equitable pedagogical practices.

Received on: 2022/07/29

Reformulated on: 2022/08/19

Accepted: 2022/08/19


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