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Adapted Motor Activity, Goalball, Seers, Adapted Sport



Goalball is a sport created specifically for people with visual impairment and it contributes to socialization and health. Goalball could be more publicized, especially because it is a sport of easy access, not requiring very sophisticated materials, at least in its initiation. The objective of this study is to describe the main difficulties encountered by blind people during the practice of Goalball. The study was conducted in the city of Maracás, Bahia, Brazil, in a multi-sports court, with blind people, who were invited to practice Goalball. After the activities, standardized questionnaires were applied to collect the participants' impressions. None of the participants had prior knowledge about the sport, and reported feeling difficulty in knowing its spatial location, understanding the location of the ball, walking and throwing, therefore, it was possible to identify the difficulties encountered by the participants and realize the importance of the sport, whether for people with or without disabilities.

Received on: 2022/06/07

Reformulated on: 2022/06/21

Accepted: 2022/06/21


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