Adapted motor activity, Physical education, Narrative, InclusionAbstract
The historical path of physical education carries with it marks of an exclusive history, being used initially to prepare youth for the defense of the nation, at another time to strengthen the worker for industry and later to train sports talents to represent the Fatherland in International Events. The present work aimed to understand the life trajectory of a physical education teacher and the arrival of people with disabilities in their regular classes. For the interpretation of the phenomena, we used narrative research and the approximations of this report with (auto) biographical research. We seek their experiences through problematizing provocations. Three meetings were held for the writing of the reports. It was possible to observe some difficulty on the part of the participating teacher in talking about what she had lived. In her development, the mother played a fundamental role, as she always said that she should be strong and that there were people in worse situations than hers. The treatment given to her students with disabilities is anchored in the way she was treated by her mother, trying to pass on to her students her real possibilities.
Received on: 2021/03/23
Reformulated on: 2021/05/11
Accepted: 2021/05/17
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