


Adapted Motor Activity, Schoolar physical Education, Autism


The study aimed to analyze scientific production about the interface between Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Physical Education un the school context in a international perspective. A systematic literature review involving ASD and Schoolar Physical Education was performed. The research involved scientific articles that was published in the Medline, LILACS, Scopus, SciELO e Web of Science databases since 1980s to December 2019. It was selected 17 articles which were submitted to thematic analysis. It was generated three categories: a) The environment and its sound and sensory stimulus of students with ASD during PE classes; b) The interaction of students with ASD during PE classes; and c) Strategies for spatial and temporal organization during PE classes with students with ASD. The results demonstrated the difficulty of Physical Education (PE) teachers in including these students in their classes and the need to reduce external stimuli in PE classes to assist in the concentration of students with ASD. However, the importance of physical activity in improving concentration and decreasing anxiety was verified.

Received on: 2020/11/10

Reformulated on: 2021/01/14

Accepted: 2021/01/14


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