



Adapted Motor Activity, Motor Coordination, Judo, Autism Spectrum Disorder


The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of judo practice on the motor coordination of autistic children and adolescents. The sample consisted of 10 children and adolescents from six to 14 years old, autistic, male, being: five judo practitioners and school physical education classes (GJ) and five practitioners of school physical education classes (GC). All participants were students from public institutions (one school and one clinic) in the city of Belo Horizonte. To participate in the research, prior authorization from the parents was required. The evaluation of the coordinating capacities took place from the application of the Körperkoordinationstest Für Kinder (KTK). The performance presented in the subtests and the global motor quotients (QM) were analyzed. Student t test for independent samples was used to compare the groups. The results showed superiority of the GJ over the CG in the dynamic balance and monopedal jump sub tests. Regarding the QM, it was found that the GJ presented a classification of disturbance in coordination. The CG was classified as having insufficient coordination. Together, our results show that although no group has satisfactory levels of coordination, the GJ performed better than the CG, which points to the beneficial effects of the practice of judo in the coordination of autistic children and adolescents.  

Received on: 2020/08/14

Reformulated on: 2021/01/14

Accepted: 2021/01/14


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