


Adapted Motor Activity, Spinal Cord Injury, Body Composition, Bioimpedance


A spinal cord injury (SCI) is characterized as a traumatic condition that causes neurological damage and leads to changes in the body composition (BC) of an individual. Those changes in BC may increase risk of disease. The paper’s objetctive is to analize BC profile of sedentary individuals with spinal cord injury, comparing measurements of abdominal and waist circumferences, and verifying the aplicability of the bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). Descriptive study of transversal cut. 20 male individual’s samples with SCI. In order to analyze body fat percentage (%B) it was utilized a bio-impedancemetry body composition analyser, Maltron brand, model BF-900.  For data analysis, it was used the Shapiro-Wilk test to test data normality and for data comparison between paraplegia and tetraplegia it was utilized the Student’s t test. Results: 45% are within adequate bodyweight, 50% are overweight and 5% and are class 1 obesity. The %B was divided as the folllowing: 10% were average, 45% above average and the other 45% were way above average. Conclusion: Indiviuals presented an elevated body fat percentage and were found to be overweight. BIA turned out to be a easy access method to measure BC.

Received on: 06/15/2020

Reformulated on: 07/08/2020

Accepted: 07/13/2020


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