


Adapted Physical Education, Disabled child, Inclusion


Children, disabilities and Adapted Sports make up the range of relevant and recurring themes in the Adapted School Physical Education, influencing the discussion about new methodological possibilities in the educational process. In this sense, we seek perspectives and new paths for Adapted Sports as a content of Adapted School Physical Education. Thus, the purpose of this study was to identify inclusion and Adapted Sports in School Physical Education from the perspective of public-school teachers in the city of Campinas, highlighting the difficulties and the possibilities in the inclusive teaching process.For this, the qualitative and quantitative methodological approach was adopted, using a guide for  semi-structured interview, outlined from the Pilot Project, composed of initial anamnesis and 9 open questions, divided into three specific thematic axes: inclusion and the child with disabilities, Adapted Physical Education and institutional support and support. Eight public physical education teachers  from public schools were interviewed at 2019. Participants had an average age of 44 years, completed their graduation 20 years ago and worked with 10 children with disabilities. The results showed that, despite the effective understanding of the applicability of Adapted Sports, the application effectiveness is still inefficient. The guiding aspect emphasized in this article is related to Adapted Sports as content of Adapted Physical Education. Thus, we open a new window of fundamental scientific possibilities for the development of research in adapted sports. Therefore, new paths are awakened, and because it is a process and not an end, new scientific proposals and interdisciplinary proposals are possible.

Received on: 04/17/2020

Reformulated on: 05/23/2020

Accepted: 05/24/2020


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