



Cyberbullying, MORAL EDUCATION, Sociomoral values, MORAL PRACTICES, Elementary School


The school is an established space for the mediation of cognitive and social concepts that guide our society. And one of the challenges for education professionals is to offer a healthy and democratic environment to their students, but with emergency remote teaching and constant use of the internet, whether for leisure or study, various types of virtual aggression have expanded, such as offensive messages, embarrassing photos, humiliating practices etc. A year before the Covid-19 pandemic, Brazil was already classified as the second country in the world with the highest number of cases of bullying on the internet, the so-called cyberbullying. The main targets of these violent virtual practices are children and adolescents, who usually have personal profiles on social networks. To this end, this research in the line “Training and action of teaching professionals and educational practices” has as its guiding question: how the work carried out in schools with themes of culture of peace, moral education and socio-emotional skills can help in the process of prevention and of awareness of cases of virtual violence? That said, the general objective is analyze which conceptions school management and teachers have regarding the construction of moral values and the development of moral autonomy, as well as understanding the work developed by teachers with students of Elementary School II in relation to the construction of socio-moral values and the prevention of cyberbullying. The theoretical contribution was based on the psychology of morality from the perspective of cognitive-evolutionary theory. For that, we developed an exploratory and descriptive research with a qualitative approach in which, through a semi-structured interview, we collected and analyzed data from the answers of 09 school professionals (school management and teachers) from a private school in the west of São Paulo which work with students in Elementary School II, 6th to 9th years, which corresponds to ages 10 and 14. The results indicate that the declared institutional documents do not contain guidelines on work developed to prevent violence. We observed from the participants' responses in relation to moral development, values, intellectual and moral autonomy that they present common sense knowledge. The same occurs with ciber(bullying), indiscipline and incivility. Regarding violence prevention plans, they only dialogue when some fact occurs for decision-making.


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