About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Schème - Electronic Journal of Genetic Psychology and Epistemology is a specialized academic electronic Journal whose mission is to publish and disseminate unpublished theoretical or experimental research in Jean Piaget's Genetic Epistemology and Psychology, in the areas of Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Education and interdisciplinary.

Institutional Support

The Journal has institutional support from the São Paulo State University (Unesp), the Dean of Research at Unesp, the Graduate Program in Education and the Department of Educational Psychology at Unesp in Marília.

Qualis CAPES Evaluation

In the last triennial CAPES evaluation (Quadrennial 2013-2016), Schème received Qualis B3 in the areas of Philosophy, Education and Interdisciplinary, and Qualis B4 in the areas of Teaching and Psychology.

Frequency and Submission Flow

Schème publishes its issues semiannually and receives works in a continuous flow, with the exception of special issues or dossiers that depend on calls with specific dates. Each issue will have 7 articles. In situations with a large number of approved works, the texts with the oldest submission date will be published and the other texts will be published in the following current issue. 

Open Access Policy

The license adopted is Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Under this license, readers have free and immediate access to the content. In addition, the Journal authorizes the distribution, remixing, adaptation, and creation of the work for non-commercial purposes, provided that they license the new creations under identical terms and that credit is given to the author and the Journal as the initial publication. The Journal understands that this license allows more universal access to knowledge. 

Copyright Policy

The works published in Schème are the sole responsibility of their authors. Authors are authorized to enter into additional contracts separately for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in this Journal (for example: publish in an institutional repository, on a personal website, publish a translation or as a book chapter).

As mentioned in the Open Access Policy, the authors grant the Journal the exclusive right of first publication, the work being simultaneously licensed under the license mentioned above in the Open Access Policy.

The authors also consent that their articles may be incorporated by Schème in existing or future indexes and databases; the holders of these banks may reproduce, transmit and distribute the texts, in whole or in part, in any form or means of electronic transmission existing or developed in the future. 

Digital Preservation Policy

Schème is hosted on the Portal of Electronic Journals of the Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences (FFC) of Unesp, (E-Journal Portal - FFC - Unesp Marília), which guarantees the preservation of its digital content in two ways: (i) backup copies are performed daily; (ii) preservation by the Brazilian Network of Digital Preservation Services Rede Brasileira de Serviços de Preservação Digital (Cariniana Network). This Network is an initiative of the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT) and is part of Stanford University's Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe (LOCKSS) program. In addition, all Schème documents are archived in a secure and secure cloud.

Policy to Combat Plagiarism

The Journal does not accept any type of plagiarism. The notification of plagiarism must be sent through the Journal's contact. Authors who submit their texts must ensure the originality of their work.

Scientific misconduct is defined, respectively, by the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, at this address, as follows:

  1. Plagiarism involving the appropriation of the ideas and work of others without proper credit;
  2. Self-plagiarism or republication of scientific results already published, as if they were new, without informing previous publication;
  3. Falsification or manipulation of data, procedure and results;
  4. Fabrication of results and records as if they were real. 

All manuscripts submitted to the Journal are examined using plagiarism detection programs (Turnitin).

Cases of plagiarism, self-plagiarism (text recycling) or redundant publication will follow measures guided by the guidelines of the Ethics in Publications Committee-COPE

Schème will suspend the review process and require clarifications, retractions and apologies from authors, as per the Errata and Retraction Policy.

Fee Policies

No fee is charged for submission, evaluation or publication of texts.