
Conditions for submission

For the proposal to be accepted, the first step is to verify the submission's compliance with all the items listed below. Authors and/or co-authors must exclude their name or any reference to it from the entire body of the text to be submitted, replacing it with “Author”.

  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another Journal.
  • The article contains at least one of the members with the title of Doctor.
  • The maximum number of three authors in an article. The exception is made for studies that exceed this number, with justification to the editors.
  • All authors and/or co-authors must be registered with ORCID (
  • The file must be submitted in .DOC extension in A4 format.
  • The article must have a maximum length of 45,000 characters with spaces (including references).
  • Top and left margin of 3 cm; lower and right margin of 2.5 cm.
  • The file must contain: title, abstracts, keywords, body text and references.
  • Words in a foreign language must be written in italics.
  • Title and subtitle of the text: Times New Roman, size 14, uppercase, centered alignment, line spacing 1.15.
  • Title, subtitle and abstract must be written in Portuguese, English and Spanish or Italian.

Submissions that do not comply with the above rules will be returned to the authors.


  • Revista Novos Rumos publishes original texts in the form of articles, translations and interviews. The contributions will be analyzed by the Editorial Committee of the Journal, which will decide on their publication, submitting them to ad hoc referees.
  • The manuscript, whether in the form of an article or a translation of some text, is submitted to “blind” examination by two reviewers. This procedure is not taken only for the essays of thematic issues, when the author, of notorious knowledge and production in relation to the theme, is invited by the editor of the Journal to write the text. The referees are, preferably, professors linked to Postgraduate Programs in Social Sciences. Modifications and/or corrections suggested by the reviewers regarding the writing (clarity of the text, grammar or orthographic rules), or regarding the content of the contributions are passed on to the respective authors, who will have a limited period to make the required changes.
  • Works submitted for publication must be sent in files with the extension “.DOC” or “.docx”. They must be edited in Times New Roman font, size 12, line spacing of 1.5, justified alignment, with top and left margins of 3 cm and bottom and right margins of 2 cm, A4 page format (21cm x 29.7cm) and maximum length of 45,000 characters, including spaces, footnotes and references.
  • Submissions of articles written in English and Spanish will be accepted.
  • The text presented must observe the following sequence:
    • Title (which must be placed in capital letters and bold at the beginning of the text, centrally).
    • Abstract (minimum of 100 and maximum of 250 words),
    • Keywords (maximum of five items, separated by a semicolon [;] and ending with a period [.]),
    • Abstract (translation of the abstract into English)
    • Keywords (translation of keywords into English)
    • Article text
    • Bibliographic references that must follow the ABNT NBR 6023/2018 Standards, being presented at the end of the article as follows:


  1. a) Books and monographs as a whole

a.1) Books:

LAST NAME, First name. Title in bold. Place of publication: name of publisher, date.


SANTOS, F. L. B. D. Além do PT: a crise da esquerda brasileira em perspectiva latino-americana. São Paulo: Elefante, 2016.

a.2) Monographs (Theses and Dissertations).

LAST NAME, First name. Title in italics. Type of work (Course) – Academic Institution, Location, Date.


DEL ROIO, Marcos. O Império universal e seus antípodas: a ocidentalização do mundo. Tese (Doutorado em Ciência Política) – Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 1995.

  1. b) Articles in collections:

LAST NAME, First Name. Title of the article. In: LAST NAME, Name of the Organizer(s). Title of the collection in bold. Place of publication: name of publisher, date, pages.


SAVIANI, Dermeval. Transformações do Capitalismo, do Mundo do Trabalho e da Educação. In: LOMBARDI, J. C.; SAVIANI, D.; SANFELICE, J. L. (Orgs.). Capitalismo, Trabalho e Educação. Campinas: Autores Associados, 2005.

  1. c)Articles in periodicals:

LAST NAME, First Name. Title of the article. Title of the journal in bold, Place of publication, volume, number, initial and final pages, date.


DOURADO, L. F. Reforma do Estado e as políticas para a educação superior no Brasil nos anos 90. Educação e Sociedade, Campinas, v. 23, n. 80, p.235-253, set. 2002.

  • Footnotes, if any, must be explanatory and numbered with Arabic numerals, with progressive numbering until the end of the article.
  • The citations, according to the ABNT NBR 10520/2002 Standards, follow the author/date system, according to the following criteria: Surname (year, page) or (SURNAME, year, page). Examples: Coelho (1980, p. 35) or (COELHO, 1980, p. 35). Short literal quotations (less than three lines) will be integrated into the paragraph and must appear in quotation marks. From four lines on, they must be highlighted with font size 10 (ten) and indented four centimeters on the left, with single line spacing.
  • For information on the presentation of tables, annexes, acronyms, illustrations and formulas/equations, check the ABNT NBR 6022/2018 Standards.
  • The data and concepts emitted in the works, as well as the accuracy of the bibliographic references, are the sole responsibility of the authors. The works that do not fit the above norms will be returned to the authors indicating the adaptations to be carried out. A copy of the text to be presented must be sent to all the electronic addresses indicated below:



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