Ethical Commitment

The Journal follows the ethical publishing standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), whose principles are described here. Plagiarism, self-plagiarism, falsification, and data fabrication practices are not allowed. These scientific misconducts are defined, respectively, by the Brazilian Academy of Sciences as follows at this address: 

  1. Plagiarism involving the appropriation of the ideas and work of others without proper credit;
  2. Self-plagiarism or republication of scientific results already published, as if they were new, without informing previous publication;
  3. Falsification or manipulation of data, procedures and results;
  4. Fabrication of results and records as if they were real;

The Editorial Board is committed to the principles of impersonality, transparency and confidentiality in the evaluations, preserving the rights of reviewers, authors and institutions involved in the editorial process.

All manuscripts submitted to the Journal are screened using plagiarism detection software (Turnitin). If plagiarism, self-plagiarism (text recycling) or redundant publication is identified, the editors will take action following the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics-COPE and will consider suspending the review process or retracting a publication (as per the Errata and Retraction Policy).