Maternal age influence in human colostrum acidity composition in a Maternity in an country side city of São Paulo State
maternal breastfeeding, maternal age, colostrum, pregnancy, acidityAbstract
Objective: To analyze sociodemographic and gestational characteristics and to compare colostrum acidity content in adolescent and advanced maternal age mothers. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 98 adolescents (up to 18 year-old) and 33 advanced maternal age (more than 35 year-old) mothers admitted at the maternity of Presidente Prudente Regional Hospital, Brazil. An approximated volume of 10 mL of colostrum was obtained by manual expression of the breasts within 72h postpartum and stored at -20oC up to processing. Acidity of colostrum was evaluated in Dornic degrees. Statistical analysis was performed using Mann-Whitney test or X2. Results: The median age adolescents and advanced maternal age mothers were 20 years (12-24) 37 years (35-45), respectively. The majority of the adolescents (66.3%) were primiparous and C-section delivery had occurred in 66.7% of advanced age mothers. Gestational body mass index (BMI) was statically higher in advanced maternal age women (32.17±5.6 vs 26.09±3.6, p< 0.0001). Acidity measurement was similar between the studied groups. Conclusions: Sociodemographic and gestational characteristics of adolescents and advanced age mothers showed population heterogeneity, thus, specific follow up and orientations should be applied at each one. Colostrum constitution was constant regarding casein and proteins content, independently of maternal age.
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