Covid-19 fear scale – translation and validation into brazilian portuguese


  • Marcella Moreira Aguiar Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Vitória da Conquista, Bahia. Student at the Master of Health Psychology at the Federal University of Bahia [ORCID]:
  • Monalisa Nascimento dos Santos Barros State University of Southwest Bahia (UESB), Department of Natural Sciences - Vitória da Conquista, Bahia. University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal. Postdoctoral student at the Institute of Medical Psychology of the University of Coimbra. Adjunct Professor of Medi-cine and Psychology at the State University of Southwest Bahia. PhD in Psychology.
  • Antonio Macedo University of Coimbra, Portugal. Director of the Institute of Medical Psychology; Full Pro-fessor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra. Doctor of Medicine
  • Maria Inês Rosselli Puccia FMABC University Center, Santo André, São Paulo. Assistant professor. PhD in Sciences
  • Ana Telma Pereira University of Coimbra, Portugal. Assistant Researcher at the Institute of Medical Psychol-ogy of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra. PhD in Health Sciences



COVID-19, fear, psychometry, validation study


Introduction: fear is one of the main factors associated with psychopathological disor-ders evidenced in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Objective: translate and validate Fear of COVID–19 Scale (FCV-19S) into Portuguese Brazilian version, named Covid-19 Fear Scale (EMC-19).

Methods: cross-sectional study with 364 individuals recruited through social networks, considering as inclusion criteria: being over 18 years old and fluent in Portuguese. After participant consentment an electronic form was completed, which included the prelimi-nary Portuguese version and EMC-19, in addition to sociodemographic variables. Data processing was performed using the SPSS 26 version. For parametric measures, Pear-son’s coefficient and Student’s T were used, and for non-parametric measures the U of Mann Whitney. The magnitude of the correlation coefficients was classified according to Cohen’s criteria and the confirmatory factor analysis using AMOS 26.0. For internal con-sistency, Cronbach’s alpha.

Results: mean age of 33.11 years (±10,047), most of them female (n=332; 91,2%), with higher education (n=286; 78,6%), married (n=225, 61,8 %) and with children (n=300, 82,4%). Exploratory factorial analysis/EFA and confirmatory factor analysis/CFA made. Only one component emerged from the CFA, with an explained variance of 55,49%, re-sulting in a one-dimensional model with satisfactory adjustment indexes (X2/gl=2,135; RMSEA=0,061; CFI, TLI, GFI<0,095). Cronbach’s alpha coefficient is 876.

Conclusions: the construct validity of the one-dimensional structure of the EMC-19 was demonstrated, as well as its good internal consistency.


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