Knowledge, Morals, and Practice in Kant´s Anthropology. Edited by Gualtiero Lorini and Robert Louden. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018; 171 p.; ISBN: 9783319987255.


  • Maria Borges Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



Knowledge, Morals, Practice in Kant´s, Anthropology


A coletânea de textos organizada por Robert Louden e Gualtiero Lorini é uma contribuição valiosa para aqueles que querem compreender o papel da Antropologia em Kant. O livro vai além de um comentário interno às Vorlesungen über Anthropologie, tentando situar essas preleções no contexto filosófico da época.

Recebido / Received: 17.10.2019.
Aprovado / Approved: 25.11.2019.


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Biografia do Autor

  • Maria Borges, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

    Full Professor of Philosophy at the University of Santa Catarina (Brazil) She was Visiting Scholar at the University of Pennsylvania (USA) ,Humboldt Universität (Germany) and Columbia University (USA). She is researcher of the CNPq/Brazil and President of the Brazilian Kant Society. She published many articles, including What can Kant teach us about emotions (The Journal of Philosophy, 2004) and Physiology and the Controlling of Affects in Kant’s Philosophy (Kantian Review, 2008). She also published the book Body and Justice (Cambridge Scholars Publishing) and Emotion, Reason, and Action in Kant (Bloomsbury, 2019). She is also is the author of the following books in Portuguese: História e Metafísica em Hegel/History and Metaphysics in Hegel ( 1998), Amor/ Love (2004), Atualidade de Hegel/Actuality of Hegel (2008), co-author of O que você precisa saber sobre Ética/All you should know about Ethics (2003), and the co-editor of Kant: Liberdade e Natureza/ Kant: Freedom and Nature (2005), and Filosofia: Machismo e Feminismo/ Philosophy: Sexism and Feminism (EdUFSC, 2014). Her philosophical interests are German idealism, Kantian ethics, theory of emotions and feminist philosophy

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Como Citar

BORGES, Maria. Knowledge, Morals, and Practice in Kant´s Anthropology. Edited by Gualtiero Lorini and Robert Louden. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018; 171 p.; ISBN: 9783319987255. Estudos Kantianos [EK], Marília, SP, v. 7, n. 2, p. 115–118, 2020. DOI: 10.36311/2318-0501.2019.v7n2.11.p115. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 out. 2024.