Intersubjectivity and alterity in the works of Kant
Intersubjectivity, alterity, Kant, sensus communis, hospitality, public sphere, enlarged way of thinkingResumo
In her text ‘Intersubjectivity and Alterity in Kant’, Marita Rainsborough addresses the question of intersubjectivity
and alterity in Kant in its epistemological, ethical, aesthetic and political dimensions and notes that Kantian theorems such as
e.g. ‘pluralism’, ‘extended mode of thought’, ‘unsociable sociability’, ‘public sphere’, ‘world public sphere’, ‘sensus communis’,
‘publicity’, ‘hospitality’ as well as basic epistemological, ethical and aesthetic assumptions offer fundamental starting points for
understanding Kant with regard to the aspects of intersubjectivity and alterity, whereby the intrasubjective dimension must
be thought of as connected to the intersubjective dimension. Intersubjectivity turns out to be anchored in different areas and
at different levels in Kant’s philosophy, but remains an inter-subjectivity. The otherness of the Other also has its place in this.
However, it becomes clear that although Kant does justice to the otherness of the Other from the approach on the theoretical
level, but not in his evaluative categorisations and hierarchisations that can often be found. One must join Kant in thinking
beyond Kant.
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