Accessibility for deaf students in online learning: a proposal of digital resource




Deaf students, E-book, Automatic Libras translator


Aiming at broadening effective inclusion in online learning, the main objective of this study was to investigate technological resources as teaching tools for deaf students. In the first phase of the research, a qualitative diagnosis was performed, in an online learning higher education institution in Teresina – Piauí, with questionnaires as instruments of data collection. Participants were deaf and hearing students of the Linguistics Libras course, teachers and interpreter. Among the main results, we perceived that deaf students have many difficulties in interpreting the educational materials and activities in Portuguese. Thus, we suggested, in the second phase, that the printed course material be transformed into e-books in the form of a website, with an integrated automatic Libras translator. The prototype was developed using the VLibras translator and was evaluated by the research participants, through an online questionnaire translated into Libras through videos made by the teacher-interpreter of the course. The prototype was evaluated as easy to use and very useful, strengthening its potential as an inclusion tool. However, deaf students highlighted the technical limitations of automatic translation, as compared to human interpreters.

Recebido em: 04/02/2020.
Aprovado em: 09/03/2020.


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How to Cite

Accessibility for deaf students in online learning: a proposal of digital resource. (2020). Educação Em Revista, 21(01), 41-58.