Verbal games in a picture book: literary competence and teaching




Picture Book, Children's Literature, Teaching


This study consists of an analysis of a picture book which presents and suggests amusing and witty verbal games, word-play, and a mixture of languages. These games work as a kind of invitation to creativity on the part of the reader as they read and enjoy the book. The study presents how these language games, which constitute a fascinating exercise of linguistic alterity and innovation, are created and function linguistically. It is argued that this exercise could significantly contribute to the reader’s literary competence, and to the teaching of such competence. The analysis is carried out taking into account the idea of signifier, as initially described by Ferdinand de Saussure ([1916] 1995), and later redefined by Jacques Lacan ([1955-56] 1998a, [1956-57] 1988b, [1964] 1988c, 1998).

Recebido em: 03/12/2019.
Aprovado em: 10/03/2020.


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How to Cite

Verbal games in a picture book: literary competence and teaching. (2020). Educação Em Revista, 21(01), 59-74.