Analysis of United Nations’ Historiography and International Documents about Women, focus on Human Rights
Gender, Human Rights, Social MovementsAbstract
This article intersect the gender historiography, with the proposals of United Nations Conference about women, expressed in national and international documents with the Human Rights. Therefore, when it comes to historiographical and documentary research the analysis was rigorously structured by the identification and relationship between themes, focuses and women actions and female social movements, according to historical contexts; outlining the focus of academic research; classification of themes by the type of documents and action platforms of Beijing conference and verification of methodological strategies, that highlighted paradigm changes towards methods and approaches. The documentary corpus for analysis was limited to historiography or academic research about women from the 1950s to the Beijing conference, in 1995 and the action platform of its conference.
Recebido em: 20/05/2019
Aprovado em: 24/09/2019
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