The profile of the Rural Schools of the Municipality of Toledo - Paraná


  • Ana Carolina de Paula Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná
  • Fracis Mary Guimarães Nogueira



Profile of Rural Schools, Rural Education, Municipality of Toledo/Pr


The present article aims to present an overview of the current conditions of the Rural Schools of the Municipality of Toledo / PR. The informations were obtained through field observations and complemented by bibliographical research in order to analyze the conception of schools located in rural areas of the municipality of Toledo / PR. In view of this theoretical and empirical basis, the main result was that the rural schools are subordinate to urban schools both from the point of view of logic and the conception of education, resulting in the process of de-characterization of schools located in rural areas of Toledo / PR and in the distancing of the formative process with the identity and reality of the rural population.

Recebido em: 18/12/2018.
Aprovado em: 13/06/2019.


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How to Cite

The profile of the Rural Schools of the Municipality of Toledo - Paraná. (2019). Educação Em Revista, 20(01), 97-114.