Foucault and Education: between the disciplinary power and the techniques of the self (is it possible to educate to freedom?)
Techniques of the self, Disciplinary power, FoucaultAbstract
This text works on two Foucault’s relevant theoretical concepts: disciplinary power and techniques of the self. The aim is to show that understanding this certainly helps to think the kind of education one wants, as education is an important part of the devices of power-knowledge and techniques of the self that make up human subjectivity. The hypothesis is that school education tied to disciplinary power produces obedient and docile subjectivities; and school education tied to the techniques of the self lead to the formation of autonomous subjectivities. In order to achieve that, we seek to articulate the concepts of disciplinary power and education, and techniques of self and education, as a binary relation between these concepts, from which a new look emerges to the educational context from Foucault’s theoretical work. This allowed us to point out that it is important to give up the disciplinary paradigm in the educational field and bet more on paradigms that point to freedom, to formation and self-formation, as we believe in freedom and never in subjection, regardless of what kind it is.
Recebido em: 18/07/2017.
Aprovado em:10/06/2018.
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