



Workload, Teaching, Pandemics


The COVID-19 pandemic has placed unprecedented pressure on teachers worldwide, raising serious concerns about their workloads and consequences such as increased anxiety and burnout. We aimed to identify the consequences of workload on basic education teacher health during the COVID-19 pandemic. A systematic review was carried out in February, 2023 in portals and virtual databases with a strategy developed through the PICo, including articles about the theme, resulting from observational studies, without language filter, published from the beginning of the pandemic in 2020 until January, 2023. The search identified 6,958 studies, after screening and selection six reports were included in the synthesis. The results showed that the additional workload evidenced in times of pandemic, in addition to other factors such as lack of familiarity with new tools and lack of training in these means, insufficient technological resources, excessive concern with the issue of social isolation, deprivation of human contact, and the risk of contamination and death by the COVID-19 virus, had repercussions on quality of life and the increase of conditions such as depression, anxiety, stress, panic disorder, insomnia, fear, anger, and burnout syndrome.

Author Biographies

  • Iraneide Nascimento Santos, University of Pernambuco

    Doctor of Hebiatra at the University of Pernambuco whose object of study is racism and its relationship with the health of adolescents. Master in Pathology from the Federal University of Pernambuco. Work nurse and epidemiologist. Currently she is a professor of two higher and technical courses (integrated and subsequent) of the Federal Institute of Pernambuco, Ipojuca campus. She presents research involving the following themes: racism, adolescent health, worker health and ergonomics.

  • Guilherme Ruela, Universidad Federal de Juiz de Fora

    She graduated in Nursing from the Vale do Rio Doce University (2007). Master in Public Health - concentration in Epidemiology (Federal University of Minas Gerais). Specialization in: Epidemiology; Epidemiology in Health of the Worker; Applied Geoprocessing; Surveillance in Environmental Health; Micropolitics of Management and Work in Health; Microregional Health Management; Hospital Management and Logistics; Enfermagem do Trabalho; Family Health Program Management. He is currently a nurse at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora-Campus Avançado Governador Valadares. Professor-Tutor of the Faculdade UnYLeYa de pós-graduação Lato Sensu. Member of the Clinical Research Group, Health Care and Management (GPCLIN/URCA/CNPq). He has experience in the area of Nursing, with an emphasis on Nursing and Public Health, working mainly in the following areas: primary care, immunization, epidemiology, worker health, health information systems, management, coordination of services and supervision of sickness and education. of organs/tissues

  • Érica Barbosa Magueta Silva, Federal University of Juiz de Fora

    Graduation in Nursing by the Faculdade Educacional Serra dos Órgãos, Post-Graduation in Intensive Care Nursing: Adult/Idious Client by the Fluminense Federal University, Specialization in Health Education for Preceptors of ITS by the Syrian Lebanese Institute of Teaching and Research. Master in Biological Sciences from Vale do Rio Doce University. Coordinator of the Nursing Graduation Course at the Vale do Rio Doce University (2012/2013). Professor of the UNIVALE Nursing Course from 2005 to 2014. Manager of the Health, Safety and Well-Being Department of the UFJF Campus Avançado Governador Valadares (2016-2019). Nurse of the Integrated Health Care System of the Governador Valadares Campus Server (SIASS UFJF-GV). Professor of the Nursing Course at the Pythagoras Faculty of Governador Valadares.

  • Andressa Fernandes da Silva, National Institute of Cardiology – INC

    Nurse of the National Institute of Cardiology – INC.

  • Ana Cleide da Silva Dias, University of Vale do São Francisco

    Post- Doctor by the Department of Nursing in Collective Health of the Nursing School of the University of São Paulo (USP) (2021); Physician in Nursing and Health for the Post Graduation Program of the Federal University of Bahia- EEUFBA; Master in Health and Biological Sciences from the Federal University of the Valley of São Francisco (UNIVASF); Specialist in Health of the Worker and Audit in Health. Obstetric Nursing and Neonatology in progress/finishing. Graduated in Nursing and Obstetrics from the State University of Paraíba (UEPB). Professional Experience in the Family Health Team at UBS in the cities of Juazeiro - BA and Petrolina - PE, in Teaching in Nursing Graduation and Physical Education and Post-Graduation in Nursing, Workplace Nursing and Workplace Safety. Member of the São Francisco Valley Health and Environment Research Group (SAVASF) and Center for Studies and Research on Women, Gender, Health and Nursing (GEM-UFBA). Currently she is a professor at the Federal University of the Valley of São Francisco with a workload of 20 hours, responsible for the Health of the Worker discipline, Health Studies III and Medical Practices in the Medicine course.


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