Domain Analysis as an approach to the Classification of Cinematographic Documents


  • Alexia Guimarães Monteiro da Silva Universidade de Lisboa
  • Luis Miguel Nunes Corujo Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa – Centro de Estudos Clássicos
  • Jorge Manuel Rias Revez Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa – Centro de Estudos Clássicos



Knowledge organization, Domain analysis, Cinematographic documentation, Cinematographic language


Information Science and Archival Studies do not yet have a relevant theoretical production on the classification and organization of documentation originating from cinematographic production. This exploratory research aims to understand how Domain Analysis can assist Knowledge Organization applied to cinematographic documentation in the archival context. One of the main problems concerns the documents generated during cinematographic production not being custodied together with the movie, which is the main product of a complex artistic, technical, and administrative process. A constructivist perspective is adopted, in which the domain of cinema is explored concerning its language. The aim is to understand the domain that influences the materialization of information, thus producing records of a diverse range of genres, from audio-visual to textual. The concept of Domain Analysis and its relationship with Archival Studies is explored, including the benefits of provenance as a Domain Analysis approach to the classification of cinematographic documentation. The importance of cultural and social context is revealed to link the different dimensions of cinematographic production, which allows knowledge to be built from its information.


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Biografia do Autor

  • Alexia Guimarães Monteiro da Silva , Universidade de Lisboa

    Alexia Silva has a Bachelor degree in Archival Science (Fluminense Federal University - UFF), and is a Master degree student in Documentation and Information Science (University of Lisbon)

  • Luis Miguel Nunes Corujo, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa – Centro de Estudos Clássicos

    Luis Corujo holds a PhD in Information Science (University of Coimbra)
    with a thesis on electronic records appraisal, a Master in Library and
    Documentation – Archives (University of Lisbon), a Specialization in
    Documentation Sciences – Archives (Portucalense University), and a
    Graduation in History – Educational Field (University of Porto). He is
    an Invited Assistant Professor in the Information Science Program,
    School of Arts and Humanities (University of Lisbon), and an Archivist
    at the Faculty of Sciences at the same University. He works as a
    researcher at the Centre for Classical Studies (University of Lisbon)
    and Centre for 20th Century Interdisciplinary Studies – CEIS20
    (University of Coimbra). He is also a member of the ISKO
    (International Society for Knowledge Organization) - Iberian Chapter.

  • Jorge Manuel Rias Revez, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa – Centro de Estudos Clássicos

    Jorge Revez is an Assistant Professor in Information Science Program, School of Arts and Humanities (University of Lisbon) since 2020, teaching previously as an Invited Lecturer since 2007. He holds a PhD in Information Science (University of Coimbra) with a thesis on the relationship of libraries and researchers, a BA in History, a Master in Contemporary History, and a Library and Documentation Special Post-Graduation Course (University of Lisbon). He worked as a Librarian for several years in special and academic libraries, and as a criminal information analyst. He works as a researcher at the Centre for Classical Studies (University of Lisbon), Centre for 20th Century Interdisciplinary Studies – CEIS20 (University of Coimbra), and Centre of Religious History Studies (Portuguese Catholic University).


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Como Citar

Silva , Alexia Guimarães Monteiro da, et al. “Domain Analysis As an Approach to the Classification of Cinematographic Documents ”. Brazilian Journal of Information Science: Research Trends, vol. 16, março de 2022, p. e02141,