India´'s Place in the Foreign Policy of Brazil: the multilateral nexus
Brazil; foreign policy; India; multilateral organizationsResumo
Cooperation between Brazil and India in multilateral organizations goes back to the 1960s, with common positions in several United Nations´ agencies and in the GATT. In the current period, post-Cold War, it has been the strongest characteristic of the relation among both countries, with partnerships in many global fora, such as BRICS, G4, G20, BASIC, and IBSA, with common goals of reforming the international system in order to attend the demands of emerging nations. This affinity – the multilateral nexus - creates possibilities for Brazilian foreign policy regarding an Asia on the rise, including the opportunity for some balancing for the growing influence of China.
Recebido em: janeiro/2019.
Aprovado em: dezembro/2019.
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