The BRICS Group and Global Economic Governance


  • Annita Deloris Montoute The University of the West Indies





Bolstered by the 2008 global financial crisis, and the BRICS’ increased economic weight, the latter has called for change to global economic governance. The BRICS critique and proposals are towards a re-structuring of global economic governance to reflect their increasing weight in the global political economy rather than replacing the principles and philosophy (ideas)—explicitly or implicitly—undergirding the neoliberal economic order. The changes being proposed can be likened to Hall’s first and second order change which simply re-arranges existing policy without bringing about radical changes. The paper argues that the conditions necessary for third order change - radical policy change or a paradigm shift - do not exist to provide the BRICS with a framework for challenging global economic governance. These include: (a) the lack of expert consensus on the cause of the crisis and the absence of a sufficiently coherent and unified body of ideas to form an alternative model; and (b) asymmetries in elements of the research process between those which support the neo liberal agenda and those which provide counter perspectives.   

Key words: BRICS; global economic governance; neoliberalism; paradigm maintenance; ideas; policy adjustments.



Recebido em: março/2017.

Aprovado em: dezembro/2017.


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Biografia do Autor

  • Annita Deloris Montoute, The University of the West Indies

    Institute of International Relations

    Global Governance and Multilateralism

    Political Economy of Development and International Organisation


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Como Citar

The BRICS Group and Global Economic Governance. Brazilian Journal of International Relations, Marília, SP, v. 6, n. 3, p. 442–467, 2018. DOI: 10.36311/2237-7743.2017.v6n3.03.p442. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.