Towards a multiplication of the imaginary and the forms of doing economy

the experience of colmeia –Group of studies, research and extension in popular and solidarity economy of FACE/UFMG


  • Bruno Siqueira FERNANDES
  • Sibelle Cornélio DINIZ UFMG



outras economias, economia popular, economia solidária, diferença econômica, extensão universitária


The dominant economic theory keeps invisible and under documented a set of economic practices that are not based on the principles with which the capitalist economy operates. These practices aim at the expanded reproduction of the life of the group or collective involved, while the imperative of accumulation and profit remains subsumed. In several cases, it is possible to glimpse bonds of solidarity and reciprocity that point to a set of political and emancipatory processes. Economic science’s lack of interest in these practices, most often summarized in terms such as informal economy, contributes to the maintenance of a regime of visibility that restricts the elaboration of public policies aimed at this sector. The article proposes a reflection on these practices based on the experience of Colmeia - a Study, Research and Extension Group in Popular and Solidarity Economy at FACE/UFMG - which has as its guiding principle the expansion of the imaginary about economic practices, including the so-called alternatives. Over the years, the activities carried out within the scope of this group have proved to be important theoretical, empirical and methodological tools for the visibility of the so-called other economies and which will be discussed throughout the text.

Author Biographies

  • Bruno Siqueira FERNANDES

    Doutorando do Instituto de Geociências da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil.

  • Sibelle Cornélio DINIZ, UFMG

    Professora adjunta do Departamento de Ciências Econômicas da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil.

