About the Journal

ORG & DEMO was created in 2001 and constituted due to the importance of creating spaces for the dissemination and socialization of knowledge produced at the university and also in other areas, such as schools, social organizations and social movements, workers' enterprises, etc., both to circulate information and research within the scientific community, and to inform society, establishing communication channels.
Its editorial project comprises two parts: a section covering scientific articles and theoretical-methodological updating; a section for publishing reviews.
ORG & DEMO has as its general theme the study of substantive democratization processes related, for example, to the expansion of socialization, the organization of power, decision-making processes, etc. in the various types of social organizations. It publishes articles on labor relations, associated work, workers' cooperatives, solidarity economy, self-management and organization of work and education, democratic education.
ORG & DEMO is printed at the Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences, UNESP, Campus de Marília, under the responsibility of the Organizations and Democracy Research Group and the Permanent Committee on Publications.
Indexing Sources

The Journal is indexed in the following databases:

- Cambridge Scientific Abstracts
- Sociological Abstracts
- CLASE – Latin American Citations in Social Sciences and Humanities
- EDUBASE Unicamp
- DOCPOP/Seade/Celade/ECLAC Network
- Social Services Abstract
- Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstract
- PAIS International Bases
- Redalyc – Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal
- Latindex (Directory)
- SocINDEX with Full Text - EBSCO.
- Academic Google